Middle Earth News

Welcome to The Ring Goes North: The Realm of Elves and Elf-Friends.
The site is now up and running!  Scroll down for the sitemap and our contact information, and be sure to explore all of the various sections of the site.  

The Ring Goes North as a name stems from the fact that all good things come from the north, making this site no exception!  We are North of America, south of Santa...we are Made in Canada.



»An Atlas to TRGN«

When in a different location on the site, takes you back to this page.

A Hobbit's Tale (Books/Tolkien)
A section dedicated to all things Tolkien

The People's of Middle Earth (Actors)
Links to pages dedicated to the actors in the Lord of the Rings films.

The War of the Ring (Movies)
An overview of the New Line Cinema films.  Will include release dates, awards, cast lists, and reviews.

The T.R.E.E.house (Fan)
Selections of fan-created stories, art, etc.  No SLASH will be accepted.

Forbidden Pool (Pictures)
A gallery of screencaps, premiere pics, and other related photos.

Glittering Caves (Shop)
Links to online resources for Lord of the Rings paraphernalia.

Window on the Web (Links)
Related sites.

Houses of Healing (Humor/Fun) **Coming Soon**
Will include downloads, desktop, contests, and all of that fun stuff.

A Long Expected Party (Message Board)
Party on in your own fandom.

The Preciousess (Home)
Wanna get in touch with the webmasters?  We'll have our info down below for you.

Chamber of Records  (Guestbook)
Come sign the guestbook to let us know you came!



You have found the preciousessss

The two webmistresses of this site are Queen and Goddess.  You can reach us at our respective e-mails if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.




[The Ring Goes North] 2003
All Rights Reserved